Biometric School Attendance System

Every person has a unique fingerprint identity. No anyone can copy or duplicate this identity, and this feature changed manual attendance into biometric attendance. Since the traditional attendance system has many weaknesses, a new attendance system is needed, the biometric school attendance system to fulfill this need. With biometric systems, the attendance of students and staff can be easily tracked. In biometric school attendance software, you can track students and staff attendance via barcode, face print, biometric, and RFID card.

With the Softwarelinker Biometric attendance system, you can track the students and staff check-in and check-out times. You also can send the students’ attendance SMS to parents with check-in time, this SMS alerts the parents about their children’s activity in school. Softwarelinker school management software allows to check the attendance report with different filters on class, section based.


Introduction Of Biometric Attendance system

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Biometric Attendance Module Advantages

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How To Work Biometric System In School

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